ABOUT Rule14

Rule14 is a data-mining company which offers a suite of solutions and services powered by predictive analytics. From forecasting electric load across millions of smart meters for energy traders to creating automated summaries for legal content aggregators, Rule14 offers industry-agnostic insights via a big data-enabled automation.

The Rule14 solution begins with two elements: the digital record and an objective. Whether it is a financial transaction and loan prediction, a call center record and churn prediction, or free-from textual documents and a unique classification - once the base unit and objective functions are defined, our global team of elite data scientists are able to process unstructured data into structured data to rapidly deliver customized data-driven insights in a quick turnaround time.


The 14th rule from Sun Tzu's The Art of War:

  1. In your deliberations, when seeking to determine battle conditions, let them be made the basis of comparison:
  2. Which of the two sovereigns is imbued with the moral law?
    Which of these two generals has the most ability?
    With whom lie the advantages derived from heaven and earth?
    On which side is discipline most rigorously enforced?
    Which army is stronger?
    On which side are officers and men more highly trained?
    In which army is there the greater constancy in both reward and punishment?
  1. By means of these considerations, I can forecast victory or defeat.